The objective of this initiative is to recruit and train the next generation of professionals to the Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment field. Training is held during school for seniors and online and after school for juniors. The Ohio Department of Education has awarded OTCO with 48 Industry recognized credentials towards high school graduation. College credit is available for the training.
For 2019, the average starting salary for operators was $12/hour for very small systems to $25/hours for large system. Ohio Administrative Codes 3745-7 06 states the minimum educational requirements for certification in this field is as follows:
If you are interested please one of the following:
Curtis L. Truss Jr. Executive Director
Ann Gliha, OTCO Instructor
Rittiman Students Learn GIS and Map Part of Wayne County
OTCO has received 48 Industry recognized credentials towards high school graduation from the Ohio Department of Health
Video from Cleveland Water's apprenticeship graduation. Featuring four former OTCO HS Initiative students from Glenville and Ginn Academy.
Operator Training Committee of Ohio, Inc.
3972 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43214, United States